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    • wide
      wide replied to the thread NPC behaviour and spawn mod.
      Awesome and pretty fun mod, but playing it on hard difficulty(as I always was playing SR) is way toooooo chaotic... If your character...
    • wide
      I'm PC user & using latest Steam version, and this still present. I would also like to know if there something to turn off despawn, to...
    • wide
      wide replied to the thread Animation Fixes.
      This is actually nice mod, but I have other complain about game thing that annoys me the most. Stucking in animations or states not...
    • wide
      wide reacted to Vlad Viper's post in the thread Animation Fixes with Like Like.
      This mod will fix some animation oversights and bugs. To install it just extract "anim_files.xtbl" into the directory where your your...
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