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    • MasakoTeam
      MasakoTeam replied to the thread Ultor Rising.
      It wouldn't work the file changes too much, in this case it would revert hitman targets back to the default ones in a broken state or it...
    • MasakoTeam
      MasakoTeam replied to the thread Ultor Rising.
      Tried reuploading the file but it just broke, so I put link to alternative download site at the bottom of main post
    • MasakoTeam
      MasakoTeam replied to the thread Ultor Rising.
      Just checked, it works for me just fine, if it doesn't work for someone then there's not much I can do with a mod this large, the most...
    • MasakoTeam
      MasakoTeam replied to the thread Ultor Rising.
      Ninjas currently disabled due to performance issue
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