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    • arentyoumaria
      arentyoumaria replied to the thread Juiced Patch.
      Ah, sorry about that.
    • arentyoumaria
      arentyoumaria replied to the thread Juiced Patch.
      Nevermind, I got no idea why I just have a black screen trying to activate it.
    • arentyoumaria
      arentyoumaria replied to the thread Juiced Patch.
      One more thing I am noticing with V2 is that when I try to enable Ugly mode my screen goes black, I assume this is because of F13's...
    • arentyoumaria
      arentyoumaria replied to the thread Juiced Patch.
      After installing V2, and even after reverting to V1, I got drops to 30 every couple of seconds, restarting my PC fixed it. I assume that...
    • arentyoumaria
      arentyoumaria replied to the thread Juiced Patch.
      This is fucking insane, I don't think anybody knew this was even possible! Thank you so much!
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