Apocoa Fist Question

Hello. I don't know if this has been done or not already, but I'll throw it out there. Is there anyway to make the Apoca Fist transparent or invisible when worn, or atleast make it match the color of your characters hand when in use. Or if that doesn't work, is it possible to isolate the "super punch" power you get with the "The Trouble With Clones" DLC, with the super speed and "powerball" throw disabled.
Hello. I don't know if this has been done or not already, but I'll throw it out there. Is there anyway to make the Apoca Fist transparent or invisible when worn, or atleast make it match the color of your characters hand when in use. Or if that doesn't work, is it possible to isolate the "super punch" power you get with the "The Trouble With Clones" DLC, with the super speed and "powerball" throw disabled.
I can say only about Apoca Fist, you can possibly add an alpha channel to the diffuse texture and set it black or replace weapon mesh with some tiny 1 polygon model.
Thanks for the replies, but I know almost nothing about modding. If someone would point me in the direction of tools to use and a place to find instruction, it would be greatly appreciated.