"Shitface Showcase" Mod Compilation

This mod compilation contains several mods that seriously improve the gameplay in Saints Row: The Third by overhauling the game's weapons, AI, spawning, weather, and taunts in order to provide you with a much more entertaining, dynamic, and polished Saints Row 3 experience without straying too far from the feel of vanilla SR3!

These mods are included in the compilation:

Avatar Rampage v4: Take control of the giant dragon avatar from the "deckers.die" mission and wreak Havoc in Steelport!

Vehicle Camera First Person Mod v3 (With FOV Fix): Drive vehicles in first person, and enjoy SR3 with an FOV more appropriate for high resolution monitors.

NPC Behaviour and Spawn Mod v65: Probably the best mod ever for Saints Row 3. This mod overhauls the spawns, AI, gangs, police and much more to dramatically improve Steelport's appearance. Dozens of new vehicles and pedestrians now spawn, and improved AI will give you much more emergent gameplay: one small fight on the street can evolve into total chaos!

Shitface's Weapon Re-Balance Mod v3.5.3: This mod adds new weapons that you can add to your inventory, and dramatically improves the functionality of all weapons, giving many of them better physics and effects. Also improves the destructo-physics for many objects on the street (garbage cans, fences, etc) and gives the firetruck a flamethrower! This mod also adjusts the prices of some properties and weapon upgrades to balance out the economy. You'll need to manage your money more carefully and won't be sitting on mountains of useless cash before you're close to finishing the game!

Alternate Times of Day + Enhanced Weather v5.3: Seriously improves the weather system in SR3. The weather will now change much more often, with many different sky and lighting settings added to make the game look better. Also includes different sky settings that you can choose from. I'd highly recommend using Sandbox+ with this for the day/night cycle.

Extended Taunts v1.4: Adds around 40 new taunts for you to customize your character with!

Super Cat & Mouse: Improves the "Cat and Mouse" minigame by adding many new vehicle combinations!

Increased Property Prices: Combined with the weapon upgrade price increases in my weapons mod, this allows you to truly feel the economic downturn in Steelport. You'll need to spend your money more carefully, and won't end up owning every property and upgrade with nothing else to spend your cash on by level 20.

Starting a new game is strongly advised.


Critical Acclaim and various praise for me:

This is one of my absolute favorite mods, and really the ultimate way to play SRTT...
...As a side note, I stood in the middle of an intersection down by murderbrawl listening to Let's Go Crazy by Prince (from my personal radio replacement mod ;)) while a massive fight broke out between the police, old ladies, and wrestlers while Saints flow cans danced in the background. One of the highlights was an old lady tazing a cop right before she got run over at full speed and sent flying directly at me wizzing past my face. It was the most amazing insane crazy thing I have ever seen in SRTT and rivaled some of the best sr2 moments. Kudos to you and your fine work on this mod. :D
I absolutely adore every part of this mod. The variety of vehicles and pedestrians is what you'd expect to see in RL and even the actions from cowardly to aggressive are amusingly real.

Tried this mod today and it was hilarious! I've seen pedestrians punching, using guns and stun guns, baseball and dildo bat and drivers stopping by only to get out of cars and kick some ass (mine mostly hahaha) Even the cops were attacked by pedestrians.
Also ambulance and firefighter truck stops by with light and sirens on: never happenend before.
Good mod guys!

I really like this mod for all of the additional npc_peds, the many protest groups that appear all over and the vehicle variants that show up.
That old man wearing the hot pink jacket and green pants almost looks like Genki from a distance. lol

You did an excellent job on this mod and we all appreciate your updates and your persuit of perfection.:D

Excellent mod Shitface! thanks

This mod pack is not compatible with the following Gentlemen of Steelport mods:
-All weapon mods
-Encogen's gang plus one mod (all versions)
-Supermodder's super fast cars and VTOLs mod


  • Shitface_Showcase_V25.zip
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Question, after I installed this with GOS my homies stopped firing when they get in the tank. Now they just sit there. Is there a work around?
I have GOS, SRTTnude shaved by-marc383, HD texture pack fixed, and your showcase. I took all the added mods which is only your showcase and the texture packs and put them in the 1-MY_EXTRA_MODS folder and made the two patch files for replacement. Everything else worked fine and the homie followed and jumped in the tank he just did not fire back which he has always done. Do I have to command him to fight back? Interestingly I had everything installed loose first then I made the pack file with GOS but when I tried to remove it I got endless loading screens trying to load my save. I am now reinstalling the entire game. Are there any options in GOS that I need to not click? Also if I combine your pack using the 1-MY_EXTRA_MODS folder I assume I have to install the pack file folder separately?

The endless loading screen I narrowed down to the Skin Textures, specifically the Caucasian, Hispanic, etc files in Porn and Murder
I have GOS, SRTTnude shaved by-marc383, HD texture pack fixed, and your showcase. I took all the added mods which is only your showcase and the texture packs and put them in the 1-MY_EXTRA_MODS folder and made the two patch files for replacement. Everything else worked fine and the homie followed and jumped in the tank he just did not fire back which he has always done. Do I have to command him to fight back? Interestingly I had everything installed loose first then I made the pack file with GOS but when I tried to remove it I got endless loading screens trying to load my save. I am now reinstalling the entire game. Are there any options in GOS that I need to not click? Also if I combine your pack using the 1-MY_EXTRA_MODS folder I assume I have to install the pack file folder separately?

The endless loading screen I narrowed down to the Skin Textures, specifically the Caucasian, Hispanic, etc files in Porn and Murder

Telling me you have GoS installed isn't helpful, I need to know which modpacks you installed with it. If you're using any of the "gang plus one" mods with this pack, you will run into a lot of bugs. Also, try installing my modpack using the instructions in the readme. Don't install it as part of GoS.
I was using Gang Plus One ethical version. I was also using some of the camera fixes and I noticed som camera issues as well. Maybe I should be asking what mods from GOS are incompatible with your pack? Also I have noticed some issues when using the compiler over loose files. Is it better to use loose files?
There is no difference. None.

Adding loose files was simply a way for other modders to select only a single mod they are interested in and get just those files. It makes zero difference to the end user.
Ok thanks. I am looking forward to the GUI version of GOS that will include all of this and take the guess work out of it. Not that I am suggesting easy modding by not knowing what mods are installed. It's just a nice failsafe.