Zombifying Steelport

I'm sure I'm not the only one who immediately went "aw man" when I realized that "brains" doesn't work in co-op. Well, I'd like to change that in one way or another. I'd like to know if there's anything I can change to allow the zombified pedestrians cheat to work in co-op. My own investigation into the cheat files in misc_tables didn't get me anywhere, so I'm at a bit of a dead-end.

If that's simply not possible, then I've another question; is it at all possible to modify the game to spawn zombies instead of normal pedestrians? If so, what files should I be looking for? I've got a fair amount of modding experience (though, I will admit, mostly softmodding and mostly from games that are very friendly to modders, like STALKER and Garry's Mod), so I should be able to work it out on my own once I'm moving in the direction I need to be. The problem is that I don't know where I should be looking.

If there are any, more experienced modders who can tell me where I can get started, it'd be greatly appreciated.