What do you think about religion?

It's the opiate of the masses.
It's a tricky subject this one...

I'll start by saying that personally, I'm atheist. I don't believe in God or a higher power or anything like that.

I don't have a problem with religion itself. I'm all for people being able to believe whatever they want to believe as long as it doesn't hurt anyone.

I don't like the way kids are dragged into it at a young age before they can decide for themselves though, and I really hate how it's used as a cover for pretty awful things - from just scamming people out of money to real atrocities.
I have no problem with religion as long as nobody tries to force their religion on me (or anyone else). It can provide solace to those who are in desperate situations, which is a good thing. On the other hand, it can also mislead people to make bad decisions if they totally disregard scientific evidence. And, of course, as Minimaul said, lots of terrible harmful things are done in the name of religion.
I am a Catholic - I go to the church regularly and I believe in the Word of God with no doubt - but I always stay open-minded, it's not like I'm going to blindly follow everyone who claims to be an authority. And I don't see anything wrong in conversion as long as it isn't imposed. If someone considers becoming a Christian, convincing them shouldn't be a bad thing.
My dad is a Baptist and my mother is a Jehovah's Witness and I myself isn't religious at all, but looking through mankind's historical past it is very clear that religion has killed more people than any war combined.
My dad is a Baptist and my mother is a Jehovah's Witness and I myself isn't religious at all, but looking through mankind's historical past it is very clear that religion has killed more people than any war combined.
Saying that religion kills people is like blaming guns or video games - it's not religion that's responsible, just people who either misunderstood it or got misled by false authorities.
Personally as a Christian I believe that it can be used to bring a community together, provide comfort in a time of personal crisis and promote humility. So overall I'm fine with what\who you do or don't worship as long as you don't try to force it on anyone or try to indoctrinate people into it. However much like any tool widely available for the general public they're bound to be a few tumors that use it to create what is essentially a hate group and as an excuse for their atrocities while vilifying everyone else. (With infamous modern day examples being groups such as the Klu Klux Klan, Aum Shin Rikyo, JDL, Daesh and The Assad Regime)
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The fact that topics like this can be discussed on this site in a civil manner is a testament for how great this community is. I'll just say I have a live and let live attitude towards religion. It definitely has some very positive aspects like the demographic diversity and cultural goods it creates. However, whenever people start mixing religion with politics, I'm out. There used to be nationwide debates about sunday shopping and crucifixes in high school classrooms where I'm from.