Time Travel Toggle?

Would love to be able to switch between playing in the 1950s Steelport and modern day Steelport via gateway virtual reality toggle. Like when you are on the spaceship with Kinzie and you go back to enter the virtual reality world in that machine, it would be cool if you could select between the 1950s and modern day.

I love the old cars of the 1950s and I love the atmosphere of the 1950s. It's not so depressing and slummy looking like the modern day time period. If this can't be modded then hopefully they will release a DLC that lets you play in the past somehow. It just seems like a waste they made that 1950s era just for that tiny bit at the beginning of the game. So much awesome potential with that. I'd love to recreate the skateboard scene from Back to the Future movie! LOL!

Or maybe Saints Row V will be called "Saints through Time" or something like that in which you can select from different time periods to play in with some sort of Quantum Leap cell phone thingy like Ziggy. Could you imagine the awesomeness of going back to world war 2 as a Saint and whupping up on Nazis?! And you can collect items, clothing, weapons from their historical time period. Like if you wanted a Thompson Submachine gun you could warp to the 1920s era and get one and bring it to the modern day era or even back to a period during the Revolutionary war to use against the Brits! LOL!