Super Easy Activities

Super Easy Activities v0.1
Created by nclok1405 ◆VScYHamhfU


=== Description ===
This mod makes all activities (including Genkibowl VII) very easy to complete.

=== Installation ===
Copy all *.str2_pc and *.asm_pc files in the "mod" folder to SRTT's directory. (e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Saints Row the Third)

This mod modifies the following asm_pc files which makes it incompatible by default with most mods.
* dlc1_sr3_city.asm_pc
* dlc1_stream_grid.asm_pc
* stream_grid.asm_pc

If you're using any mods that modifies these asm_pc files, it is recommended to uninstall such mods and only install Super Easy Activities. You can uninstall this mod then reinstall any mods after completing all activities.

=== Changelog ===
v0.1 (November 14, 2020)
* Initial Release


    1.5 MB · Views: 1,493
It has come to my attention that the OG Third save editor works with Remastered (including the garage glitch) so... does this mod work? Inglorious cheaters want to know!
'fraid not. Best I've been able to mange is the timer not ending the activity on insurance fraud. Would love to see it ported over though.
Hmm, I must be missing something for the remaster because I just tried the Easier Goals one and it's not working for me either.