Save file directories and names for SR3, SR4, and SRGOOH

For those who want to know where games are saved, here are the locations and names for the save files in SR3, SR4, and SRGOOH:

Save File Directories
SR3:     C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\<user_id>\55230\remote
SR4:     C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\<user_id>\206420\remote
SRGOOH:  C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\<user_id>\206420\remote

Save File Names
Slot       SR3 and SR4 old      SR4 new                    SRGOOH
--------   ------------------   ------------------------   ------------------
Autosave   sr3save_00.sr3s_pc   sr4save_autosave.sr4s_pc   srgsave_00.srgs_pc
Save #1    sr3save_01.sr3s_pc   sr4save_00.sr4s_pc         srgsave_01.srgs_pc
Save #2    sr3save_02.sr3s_pc   sr4save_01.sr4s_pc         srgsave_02.srgs_pc
Save #3    sr3save_03.sr3s_pc   sr4save_02.sr4s_pc         srgsave_03.srgs_pc
...        ...                  ...                        ...
Save #23   sr3save_23.sr3s_pc   sr4save_22.sr4s_pc         srgsave_23.srgs_pc

SR4 Old and New File Formats

Saints Row IV was updated on 11/22/2016 and the save file format was changed (Windows version only). The updated game can still load the old file format, but it always saves the new format. If files in both the old and new formats exist, the game loads the new format.

How can you tell if a saved game file is in the old or new format?
  • Saved games in the old format are greater than 100kb in size and are always named with the extension ".sr3s_pc". Their date modified is 11/22/2016 or earlier.
  • Saved games in the new format are less than 100kb in size and are normally named with the extension ".sr4s_pc", but can also be named with the extension ".sr3s_pc" when saving over an existing saved game. Their date modified is 11/22/2016 or later.

Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell reads the most recent saved game from SR4 to import the boss character for cut scenes. This happens when a new campaign is started. SRGOOH can currently only read save files in the old format, so it will not be able to import saves in the new format.

Linux Note

The Linux version of Saints Row 4 was not updated to the new save file format, and still uses the old format. Save files created by the current Windows version of SR4 cannot be loaded by the Linux version of SR4.

Related Topics
I believe this information to be correct based on my experimental testing, and it's also been reviewed by Knobby (programmer at Volition), but if you find any errors, please let me know and I'll update it. Thanks!
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Hey, why they decided to chage savefile format?, now i can't use my previous SR4 savegame on updated version of the game, how can i roll back everything so i can get back my previous save?
Hey, why they decided to chage savefile format?, now i can't use my previous SR4 savegame on updated version of the game, how can i roll back everything so i can get back my previous save?
The save file format was changed to add support for Steam Workshop.
The updated version of the game can still load your old save games (as it says above). You can't roll back to an older version of the game.
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The save file format was changed to add support for Steam Workshop.
The updated version of the game can still load your old save games (as it says above). You can't roll back to an older version of the game.
"Saved games in the new format are less than 100kb in size and are normally named with the extension ".sr4s_pc", but can also be named with the extension ".sr3s_pc" when saving over an existing saved game." This means that the current savefile can be saved as the older save format in case it won't recognize it? is that it?
"Saved games in the new format are less than 100kb in size and are normally named with the extension ".sr4s_pc", but can also be named with the extension ".sr3s_pc" when saving over an existing saved game." This means that the current savefile can be saved as the older save format in case it won't recognize it? is that it?
No. The game will only save in the new format. It may name the file the same as the old format, but the actual saved file format is always the new format.

You shouldn't have any trouble loading your old saved games. That should always work.