Saints Row 2 cutscene Hounfor

Okay, so I have gotten my hands on both a normal Hounfor and an interior Hounfor, but, I still haven't found the regular cutscene Hounfor, the one with the shiny black roof. I have looked just about everywhere, but, I still have yet to find it...
The Cutscene Hounfor, the one with the shiny black roof, was what I was really aiming to get.
At the time we were creating new dealerships, we looked at both the cutscene and regular hounfor and they looked exactly the same when in-game. But, if you really want to try it then edit:

Search on <Vehicle>sp_hearse02</Vehicle> and change it to:


That will put the cutscene version in the store instead of the regular one.
Just a tip for anyone thinking this fix doesn't work: If you're also using the optional $1 pricing mod, you actually have to edit the car_dealerships.xtbl in the corresponding folder, which is: