Safety Dance Gun

I just got the dubstep gun and while the dubstep is alright, I immediately got into a car afterwards and turned on the Mix and Safety Dance started playing. I think it would be hilarious to make the dubstep gun a Safety Dance gun. I'm downloading the tools so I can try myself but I've never really done a mod before. I'm also not sure if audio editing would be needed, as in making it start at a certain point in the song or what.
Ehhhhhhhhhhhh this one might be more difficult than it seems.

The VFX and actual weapon firing is triggered from the audio. Markers have to be hooked up to trigger the wubs and such. It can probably be hacked but it won't behave the same way (if you get it to work at all).

I can check with some of the guys that actually implemented the D-step tracks and see if it would be possible. I can tell you they will jokingly recommend that you don't. It was sort of a short-straw task here.
I think this would be a better as a new gun. Wouldn't you need the skipping animation and others as custom to begin with? And can't be complete without a maypole.