Preloading is available on Steam (8/16/13 3pm CST)

What does pre-loading mean ?
Not entirely certain, but I'd say it means you download like 99% of the game except for the critical launch files, saving you time at launch day so you can play almost the second it releases on steam.
Not entirely certain, but I'd say it means you download like 99% of the game except for the critical launch files, saving you time at launch day so you can play almost the second it releases on steam.

Oh, thanks for the quick reply !
Thanks for the notification, dude, preloading initiated! Now if only they'd throw that season pass up there so I can be assured to have the rectifier on launch day....
Its been 2 years since I've done a steam preload (SRTT back in nov 2011).
The way I remember it is it pulls the setup and compressed files that go along with the setup down to your computer.
The files are compressed and encrypted.
The day the game becomes available you will be allowed to decrypt and install the game.

Now back in 2011 I bought SRTT (SR3) off of Amazon which gave me the above way of installing the game.
This time to get the 10% off I ordered SR4 strait from Steam.
So there may be a slight difference in the way they (Steam -vs- Amazon) go about doing the download and install.

Mogwaimon, I'ld like to see both a season pass option (as well as a list of what DLC's will be available).
I wonder if the Australia issues are whats causing delays in Volition listing the DLC's???
Fuck yes, because with my Internet speed and Steam's traffic on this, I'm going to need every precious second to get it before release lol
Fuck yes, because with my Internet speed and Steam's traffic on this, I'm going to need every precious second to get it before release lol
Try to download at night time. I mean after midnight.
Where I live, it works (I downloaded Sr2 in few hours).
yayyyyyy!!! I <3 whoever thought this up. :3
Just remember, once the game is released, you'll need to restart Steam for it to recognize that the game has been unlocked.