Im like super late to this thread, but the author that made that original .xex file had made an updated 60fps xex file. Tho it appears he deleted his account cuz i cant find his threads anymore. Luckily I have the updated file but im not sure if I'm allowed to repost his mod or if there is a way to share it with you guys considering it is his mod.i also play on xenia with all the dlc's and 60 fps path and i have the exact same problem ):
rewards just don't trigger (accept wong)
maybe you also play with 60 fps path and this is what is causing the problem.
because i saw xenia player's getting rewards just fine /:
Hey man was wondering if u found a way to send that fix becuz I still can’t get the reward weapons to spawn after finishing the hitman activity even though the chop shop activity rewards work fineIm like super late to this thread, but the author that made that original .xex file had made an updated 60fps xex file. Tho it appears he deleted his account cuz i cant find his threads anymore. Luckily I have the updated file but im not sure if I'm allowed to repost his mod or if there is a way to share it with you guys considering it is his mod.
The good news is all activities are fixed and all rewards are given upon completion, the bad news is you will have start all over if you saved your game afterwards when you were supposed to unlock something. It also has some problems of its own. In my experience all the game cutscenes are bugged in some way. For example, characters being stuck in place, weird interactions, and characters not holding objects correctly. Some in game doors are also bugged in which they sometimes spaz out blocking you from enter or exiting a building. And overall i wouldn't get a constant smooth 60fps without it dipping compared to the old one.
So overall I kept both files. Used the updated for activities and the old one for the story. If there's a way to share the file lmk
Yeah I found the mod and tried installing it but every time I get on the game I can’t find the weapons in the weapons cache I even installed the mod the same way spadita said which was replacing the misc2 file with the one downloaded but still no weapons and even started a new game to see if that was the case still no new weapons so if you could tell me how to install the mod it would be very helpfulHi there.
As someone who has beaten SR1 through Xenia on multiple occasions, I can verify that it does come with its own issues (mission scripts not triggering at times when they should, doors glitching, sound issues, etc.). I've not had any such bugs with the Hitman activity, to my knowledge.
I do know, however, that Spadita and CabooseSayzWTF made a mod that lets you get any of the in-game weapons from any unlocked cribs. This includes the Hitman reward weapons. I'd probably suggest using this briefly to obtain the weapons, then reverting back to playing without this mod so you at least keep the weapons. That should do the trick. I'd advise maybe making a separate save for this, though the Hitman weapons will be in the game regardless so there shouldn't be crashes or bugs from switching out this mod for the original Xenia files (nor vice versa). As for ammo, you could always either keep the mod installed so you can replenish ammo back at your cribs or use the cheat for Unlimited Ammo (#2666, or #AMMO).
Here's the link to the mod (not my mod, but I saw this thread and remembered seeing it):
I hope this helps you out.![]()
Ok I’ll watch flippy’s video then thx a lot for the replyAh, I see, if you've only replaced your original misc2 file with Spadita's, then you'd also need to do the same with the misc file, too. You'd have to alter the crib_weapons.xtbl file in both misc and misc2 for the changes to be reflected in-game and show all in-game weapons at your cribs. I remember from Flippy's SR1 modding video that a lot of files in misc and misc2 are the same, but would need to be altered the same way in both folders for the game to read them properly.
Hey bro just wanted to ask u for some help since I already replaced both the crib files in both misc2 and misc files then I packed both files using gibbed tools and copied and pasted them back on the packfiles but I still can’t see any weapons in the crib do I need to start a new save for it to work or does the mod not work with the 60 fps patch since I play on that patchAh, I see, if you've only replaced your original misc2 file with Spadita's, then you'd also need to do the same with the misc file, too. You'd have to alter the crib_weapons.xtbl file in both misc and misc2 for the changes to be reflected in-game and show all in-game weapons at your cribs. I remember from Flippy's SR1 modding video that a lot of files in misc and misc2 are the same, but would need to be altered the same way in both folders for the game to read them properly.