New/improved Weapons & Powers (Inc. 15+ New Weapon Textures)

New Beta just added at bottom of post its just a little somthing to keep you all entertained while me and Fan of Saints get some more work done

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This is a collaborative project the result of which is to add into the game a collection of new weapons improve excisting weapons and add new superpowers
more info will be added with time for now just enjoy the pretty images :p

If you wish to be part of the team just PM me and your request will be considerd based on experience

Currently working on this:

All weapons will be in store and should have upgrades
Will be trying to add powers in as new elements so they dont replace current powers

Ideas are welcome feel free to comment below

Some of these images are just test runs and will not be added by default but if requested certain aspects can be included

Instant Gib Melee

Ice Blast Gun with electric projectile trail

New superpower: Black holes with added projectile effects

Normal ice blast in dual weild smg

Rocket Pistols

Wundershoty DG- 2 my version of a COD weapon

New camo loaded into the game,its the Saints Row version of the COD PaP weapon camo


Should I use these camos in the next pack?


Golden Pack a Punch Blunderbus camo (still doing more work on it)

Pack a Punched Golden Blunderbus (have done more work on it almost happy with it)
Image not showing up detail due to size

Not to sure if I like this camo might scrap it or make the gold look nicer

Just totaly re done the style of Pack a Punch camo now looks like Black Op 1 style

MOTD style Pack a Punch camo, needs more work cant get glow nice enuf or indents

Gold LMG? with PaP style

Gold engraved pattern

Doing some work on the DLC weapons


Ported over Genki Launcher from SRTT but texture wont map to weapon correctly
Test run for future ports

Realy unstable atm for some reason loads up diffrent save and crashes game when eqiped on main save :S (Fixed crash ishues, just animation and texture mapping to solve now)

100% working might make some tweaks such as range (will replace bat and be going into this mod pack)

Gold Camo for Decker Sword ;D is bit washed out in open world (due to glow I think will try to work this out in time) also will be doing 1 other camo so sword will have 3

Now have a set of camos for the Swords will be packing them soom
The mod will add in the Nocturne in place of the nomal bat and have 3 camos
(you will still have the bat in form of the 'Rat Stick')

Replaced the normal Pump action shotgun as its quite boaring and swaped it out for this badass tripple barrel ;)


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Shooting black holes out of hands should have been really a vanilla superpower in the first place! :D
hahaha that photo is epic :')

Shooting black holes out of hands should have been really a vanilla superpower in the first place! :D

Yes it should have been im about to upload a tester for some of the super powers they still need alot of work tho but give me around 20 min or so iv got to transfer them from my test tabels into new ones sadly atm they replace the normal powers hoping to find work around for that and add them in :D
shooting black holes is awesome but it kinda makes the black hole gun less useful, is it possible to change the black hole gun to a mind control?
Shooting black holes out of hands should have been really a vanilla superpower in the first place! :D
shooting black holes is awesome but it kinda makes the black hole gun less useful, is it possible to change the black hole gun to a mind control?
What you mean by mind conrol the glitch blast power that makes them glitch and fight for you? if so then yes if I have time ill try and make it
Hello Mask Mods , dose the curent realise of your mod have new weapons or only superpowers ? also if you will ever nead help balancing weapons contact me and i will be here to help you ;)