Need help finding files.

I decided to play a little with models here and found cool things in vanilla, but I couldn't find models and textures for them anywhere.
Saints Row IV 2021-08-30 13-11-29-66.png
Saints Row IV 2021-08-30 13-12-45-22.png

If anything, do not think, this is not vulgarity, here is a great idea to assemble a combat unloading.
And here the details are cool.
Apoc Pants -- cm_lp35i_lbdy_f_stplegs -- custmesh_1572658959 and custmesh_1572658959f
-- cm_llb_suit_m_lthr -- custmesh_1625867392 and custmesh_1625867392f

Info about clothing you'll find in misc_tables.vpp_pc > customization_items.xtbl
Custmesh files you'll fin in customize_item.vpp_pc