More opened up Stilwater

All Guns buyable from the beginning with correct pricing (Including Pimp Slap and the damage for it to be useful on the streets)
All CDs buyable from the beginning (All hidden collectable CDs were removed but you can buy them at the music store)
All Clothing buyable from the beginning
Able to recruit 3 homies from the start after completing TSS01 (Credit goes to Slimeball)
All Homies Unlocked from the beginning
All Cribs Unlocked from the beginning (Big help from Slimeball)
Stamina bonuses are disabled but you can use my stamina mod which allows you to customize how much stamina you have:
Removed bonuses from activities to where you can just unlock them via dev command thus allowing you to pick the unlockables instead.
If you also want to change your starting outfit there's also a mod for that too:
If you want to skip a level in any of the activities then type in this command on the dev console: activity_unlock_levels

Not finished
- All Strongholds and Missions available from the beginning at Peep this (Is it possible.....?)


  • Unlockable Unlocks that work of stat bonuses.txt
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  • More Opened Up Saints Row.7z
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Hi, Razor.

I noticed that the to-do list on the bottom half of your post hints at you wanting to have cribs unlocked from the beginning in this mod that you're working on. I do recall having this as an option in my Gangs of Stilwater mod for SR1 that I published a while ago:

In the Gangs of Stilwater mod, based on the player's choice of gang, they'd be able to access their respective cribs (i.e Los Carnales can access the Lopez Mansion, etc.).

I did this by editing the cribs.xtbl file in misc.vpp_xbox2 and misc2.vpp_xbox2 and changing:

- <Locked>true</Locked> into <Locked>false</Locked> for whichever cribs you want to keep unlocked.

As far as I recall, starting a new game might give you the unlock screen for any cribs unlocked this way, though it may otherwise just not do this and instead treat any unlocked cribs like any of the regular accessible in-game buildings (i.e. stores). This is just from my memory alone, but I'm certain that doing this will allow you to keep any desired cribs unlocked nonetheless, even if you're right at the start of the game. There's also some spawn points, etc. that are available for one to play around with in these cribs.xtbl files, too.

I hope this helps. :)
Hi, Razor.

I noticed that the to-do list on the bottom half of your post hints at you wanting to have cribs unlocked from the beginning in this mod that you're working on. I do recall having this as an option in my Gangs of Stilwater mod for SR1 that I published a while ago:

In the Gangs of Stilwater mod, based on the player's choice of gang, they'd be able to access their respective cribs (i.e Los Carnales can access the Lopez Mansion, etc.).

I did this by editing the cribs.xtbl file in misc.vpp_xbox2 and misc2.vpp_xbox2 and changing:

- <Locked>true</Locked> into <Locked>false</Locked> for whichever cribs you want to keep unlocked.

As far as I recall, starting a new game might give you the unlock screen for any cribs unlocked this way, though it may otherwise just not do this and instead treat any unlocked cribs like any of the regular accessible in-game buildings (i.e. stores). This is just from my memory alone, but I'm certain that doing this will allow you to keep any desired cribs unlocked nonetheless, even if you're right at the start of the game. There's also some spawn points, etc. that are available for one to play around with in these cribs.xtbl files, too.

I hope this helps. :)
There is a problem tho
King's building is still locked with no teleporter to get inside despite unlocking it after the crib unlock.

The closest i've got was making the unlocks to work by completing a mission which seems to be a more safer route to take.


Maybe we should make a trigger that unlocks the cribs and homies but without replacing any missions. (I wonder if that's possible)

I found what unlocks the homies


UPDATE! I found the perfect file to unlock homies from the beginning! it's the sr_city.lua file!
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Nice find on the unlocks! I forgot all about the VK penthouse teleport marker. I also had the teleporter enabled in my Gangs of Stilwater mod, too.

To do this, I copied and pasted the final line that spawns the teleport marker from vk09.lua (from misc only) and pasted it into saintsrow.lua (from both misc and misc2).

From line 105 in vk09.lua, you'll find:

function vk09_success()
ingame_effect_add_trigger("downtown_$crib_warp_penthouse", INGAME_EFFECT_LOCATION)
ingame_effect_add_trigger("downtown_$crib_warp_garage", INGAME_EFFECT_LOCATION)
ingame_effect_add_trigger("downtown_$crib_warp_front", INGAME_EFFECT_LOCATION)

I remember using the trigger_enable parts to get the teleporter to spawn, enabling Playa to hop between the VK penthouse interior and exterior (and even use the garage).

As for saintsrow.lua, from line 321, you'll find:

function saintsrow_main()
--message("test saintsrow") -- test
--teleport("#PLAYER#", "saintsrow_$player_start")


if (not is_mission_unlocked("tss01")) then
if( not skip_intro_cutscene_do() ) then
cutscene_play("tss_intro", true)


radio_post_event("NEWS_PRO_HIGHLEVELS", false)

set_team("#PLAYER#", "Neutral Gang")

teleport("#PLAYER#", "saintsrow_prologue_start", "sr_chunk02")

tutorial_start("save", 3000)

set_team("#PLAYER#", "Playas")

The code above is triggered upon starting a new game, though. I believe it's just after thread_new("saintsrow_church_reminder") in saintsrow.lua that you'll need to add the VK penthouse teleport marker code from vk09.lua. I also recall messing around with that over a year ago and getting the game to start the player off in different cribs, districts, etc. (via changing the teleport("#PLAYER#", "saintsrow_prologue_start", "sr_chunk02") line in saintsrow.lua, which lists the player, teleport location and chunk name in order).

As a side note, I wouldn't advise changing the player's gang, as shown on the set_team line above, as I've noticed it can sometimes result in Playa being unable to recruit homies and, at the worst, break missions that assign Playa with homies. I did find a workaround for this by changing the teams of certain NPCs in the character.xtbl file (from misc and misc2). I've attached the readme.txt file for Gangs of Stilwater just incase you were looking into this, too.


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