legendary saints 1.00

sorry but i had to cut the dubstep gun prototype and septic pumper due to technical difficulties.
i plan to include them once i figure out the effect problems.
what this mod does-
blood launcher, (replaces rpg)
luka gat,
i cannot provide a screenshot of luka as i have only beaten the first mission.
please note that i'm not 100% sure but I think to call luka, you need to unlock johnny gat as a homie first, as they use the same persona entry.


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What is a "luka gat"?
In SR3, she has the Decker Specialist character model. No idea about this or SR2 versions, though
So we are talking about that girl in blue skirts that had "super sliding powers" but in SAINTS ROW 2???
you mean those Decker skaters right?