K6 Krukov (Color Tints)

How to install

(Makesure to have a backup just incase if something goes wrong)
1. Unpack preload_lower.vpp_xbox2 and replace the cut_ak47.peg_xbox2 file

2. after replacing the cut_ak47.peg_xbox2 file, now you can repack the preload_lower.vpp_xbox2

Screenshot 2024-01-13 095754.png

Screenshot 2024-01-13 102324.png

-Wood- (Default)
Screenshot 2024-01-13 090818.png

Screenshot 2024-01-13 102035.png

-Olive Green-
Screenshot 2024-01-13 093846.png


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This is precisely what I was hoping to see, perfect.
Now we just need this on the Vice9 or the GDHC .50

Update about the GDHC .50...

So far i've found the weapon but the huge problem is.
Editing that texture also screws up the whole other part of the game when rending other weapons.

I've found the GDHC, AS12 Riot Bling, T3K Urban Bling texture in