When Zinyak declared that he would torment the boss until he has a nervous breakdown,he meant it.
This mod will make the game much more difficult and challenging and it is only recommended to skillful players.The target of this mod is to bring a challenging experience to the player so that he/she pays attention to all the details in the battle.For example,even a single policeman armed with a shotgun can kill off the player if he/she underestimates him.At the same time,I'm doing my best to make the game,y'know,playable.I mean,continuing to give the enemies an edge over the players might make the game either impossible or frustrating to play therefore I'm trying to make the game as enjoyable as I can,in short:as much as balanced as it could be.
While this mod makes the game difficult enough to make you stay on the edge of your seat,it also brings a lot of tweaks on ai,notoriety,npc spawns,upgrades,prices,vehicles and more.The changelogs contain all the information you need to know about what the mod does.
Currently incompatible with Random Encounters Mod V3.2
08.26.2013 - Version 1.0
-increased prices to ammo,upgrades,vehicle tuning,weapons and weapon upgrades
-carry less ammo
-takes longer to level up
-bigger cache penalty when you die
-greater delay between "cache-outs"
-can no longer upgrade to no damage anymore(ex:fire,bullets,explosions,etc)
08.27.2013 - Version 1.1
-Fixed some ammo issues
-Golden CID flees faster than before,chasing it down won't be so easy anymore even with upgraded sprint
-Buffed up the Wardens a little bit;also the sequence when you absorb a Warden is much more challenging than before
Notoriety changes:
-Past gangs will spawn only at level 2 notoriety and they possess superpowers(they are pretty tough)
-It takes longer to attain a new notoriety level(especially from level 2 to 3,letting you have fun with the past gangs)
08.28.2013 - Version 1.2
-Past gangs will have better superpowers (the custom ones I made)
-Virus injection (survival) is harder
-You will encounter more high ranked Zin forces than before
08.29.2013 - Version 1.3
Notoriety changes:
-Level 2:You encounter weak superpowered past gang members
-Level 3:You encounter strong superpowered past gang members
-Level 4:You encounter a very strong superpowered alien specialist,sort of a miniboss which will turn your world upside down (you can distinguish him from the other aliens by his blueish accesories )
-enhanced player ragdoll damage
-less rewards from killing Golden CID
-harder "genkispam" survival instances (going to modify all the survival instances soon)
08.31.2013 - Version 1.4
-all the survival missions have been modified to bring the most challenging experience
09.01.2013 - Version 1.5
-The stamina bar decreases faster while gliding and dashing
-Increased friendly fire threshold (homies will turn on you only if you do collosal damage to them)
-Increased chance of getting hurled out of your car
-Higher damage applied when you are on fire
09.03.2013 - Version 1.6
-Decreased the spawn rate of marauders and murderbots but at the same time generic alien grunts will spawn more in order to compensate (act 3)
-Power surppression grenade fuse time decreased and its range increased
-Whether you select "Casual","Normal" or "Hardcore" difficulty the settings will always be from the "Hardcore" difficulty
09.12.2013 - Version 1.7
-Tripled the time of your superpowers being disabled by a suppression grenade
-Health upgrades are three times more effective but player's total health is three times less
-No more unlimited stamina upgrades,forcing you to purchase all the stamina and glide efficiency upgrades
10.29.2013 - Version 1.8
-Fixed the game crashing issue when starting ETD missions
-Some tweaks on health upgrades
-You now receive cache for any combat trick you do(combat tricks are the counters on the right side of your hud such as alien kill,multi-kill,etc)
-The limit of each combat trick has been buffed to 27,45 and so on...reaching the maximum rewards you with a lot of cache !
01.20.2014 - Version 2.0
*Ambient spawns*
-Generic pastgangs now spawn in every hood in Steelport:Vice Kings,Brotherhood,Ronin,Sons of Samedi,Morningstar,Deckers and Luchadores.
-Due to the impossibility to design and implement new teams into the game,the relationships between the pastgangs and other teams are the following:
-Civilian behavior has been completely readjusted to be extremely random.They may fight,cower or even cheer when mayhem breaks out on the streets.A melee fight or shootout in the streets may arouse without your input when you least expect it.Of course if you want to be the one to start a war,you can always shoot just one bullet and the action will kick off.
*Notoriety changes*
-[Portals] Now the weak superpowered pastgangs come out at level 3,the superpowered tough ones at level 4 and the alien miniboss at level 5.
*Other changes*
-No more infinite sprint reward from Keith's quests.You get clothing discount instead.Made infinite sprint reward buyable from HUB.
-Doubled the traffic speed.Be more careful when you cross the street !
-Gas Stations now launch the vehicles like in Saints Row 2.
-Burn damage & duration from fire blast increased.
-When you have less than 33% of your health,you only take 10% of damage.
-Increased the hits threshold when homies turn on you from friendly fire.
-Removed vehicle angular damping.Vehicles now roll realistically.
-You now take less damage when you are hit by a vehicle or an object.
-Superpowers from Element of Destruction pack have a longer cooldown.
-Superpowered pastgangs and alien miniboss that come from portals take much longer to spawn.
01.22.2014 - Version 2.0.1
-No features;just a compatibility patch for the latest official game update.
A quick description of the mod
This mod will make the game much more difficult and challenging and it is only recommended to skillful players.The target of this mod is to bring a challenging experience to the player so that he/she pays attention to all the details in the battle.For example,even a single policeman armed with a shotgun can kill off the player if he/she underestimates him.At the same time,I'm doing my best to make the game,y'know,playable.I mean,continuing to give the enemies an edge over the players might make the game either impossible or frustrating to play therefore I'm trying to make the game as enjoyable as I can,in short:as much as balanced as it could be.
While this mod makes the game difficult enough to make you stay on the edge of your seat,it also brings a lot of tweaks on ai,notoriety,npc spawns,upgrades,prices,vehicles and more.The changelogs contain all the information you need to know about what the mod does.
Unpack the attached arhive and put the files (with the exception of Readme.txt) inside "Steam\steamapps\common\Saints Row IV\" (where SaintsRowIV.exe is) and it's all done !Currently incompatible with Random Encounters Mod V3.2
08.26.2013 - Version 1.0
-increased prices to ammo,upgrades,vehicle tuning,weapons and weapon upgrades
-carry less ammo
-takes longer to level up
-bigger cache penalty when you die
-greater delay between "cache-outs"
-can no longer upgrade to no damage anymore(ex:fire,bullets,explosions,etc)
08.27.2013 - Version 1.1
-Fixed some ammo issues
-Golden CID flees faster than before,chasing it down won't be so easy anymore even with upgraded sprint
-Buffed up the Wardens a little bit;also the sequence when you absorb a Warden is much more challenging than before
Notoriety changes:
-Past gangs will spawn only at level 2 notoriety and they possess superpowers(they are pretty tough)
-It takes longer to attain a new notoriety level(especially from level 2 to 3,letting you have fun with the past gangs)
08.28.2013 - Version 1.2
-Past gangs will have better superpowers (the custom ones I made)
-Virus injection (survival) is harder
-You will encounter more high ranked Zin forces than before
08.29.2013 - Version 1.3
Notoriety changes:
-Level 2:You encounter weak superpowered past gang members
-Level 3:You encounter strong superpowered past gang members
-Level 4:You encounter a very strong superpowered alien specialist,sort of a miniboss which will turn your world upside down (you can distinguish him from the other aliens by his blueish accesories )
-enhanced player ragdoll damage
-less rewards from killing Golden CID
-harder "genkispam" survival instances (going to modify all the survival instances soon)
08.31.2013 - Version 1.4
-all the survival missions have been modified to bring the most challenging experience
09.01.2013 - Version 1.5
-The stamina bar decreases faster while gliding and dashing
-Increased friendly fire threshold (homies will turn on you only if you do collosal damage to them)
-Increased chance of getting hurled out of your car
-Higher damage applied when you are on fire
09.03.2013 - Version 1.6
-Decreased the spawn rate of marauders and murderbots but at the same time generic alien grunts will spawn more in order to compensate (act 3)
-Power surppression grenade fuse time decreased and its range increased
-Whether you select "Casual","Normal" or "Hardcore" difficulty the settings will always be from the "Hardcore" difficulty
09.12.2013 - Version 1.7
-Tripled the time of your superpowers being disabled by a suppression grenade
-Health upgrades are three times more effective but player's total health is three times less
-No more unlimited stamina upgrades,forcing you to purchase all the stamina and glide efficiency upgrades
10.29.2013 - Version 1.8
-Fixed the game crashing issue when starting ETD missions
-Some tweaks on health upgrades
-You now receive cache for any combat trick you do(combat tricks are the counters on the right side of your hud such as alien kill,multi-kill,etc)
-The limit of each combat trick has been buffed to 27,45 and so on...reaching the maximum rewards you with a lot of cache !
01.20.2014 - Version 2.0
*Ambient spawns*
-Generic pastgangs now spawn in every hood in Steelport:Vice Kings,Brotherhood,Ronin,Sons of Samedi,Morningstar,Deckers and Luchadores.
-Due to the impossibility to design and implement new teams into the game,the relationships between the pastgangs and other teams are the following:
- Vice Kings,Brotherhood,Ronin and Sons of Samedi are teamed up...that means they won't attack each other.Their enemies are The Syndicate,Police,STAG and The Zin.They will only attack if provoked.They are allied with certain enemies that you fight during Virus Injections,Assassination targets and Genki.
- On the other hand The Syndicate,which is composed of Morningstar,Deckers and Luchadores are allied between themselves(like in SR3) but this is where it gets interesting:The Syndicate are allied with the Police and STAG and their only enemies are The Zin and the rest of the pastgangs.They will attack if provoked.
- Both The Syndicate and the rest of the pastgangs will attack the superpowered pastgangs on sight(the ones that spawn from the portals).
-Civilian behavior has been completely readjusted to be extremely random.They may fight,cower or even cheer when mayhem breaks out on the streets.A melee fight or shootout in the streets may arouse without your input when you least expect it.Of course if you want to be the one to start a war,you can always shoot just one bullet and the action will kick off.
*Notoriety changes*
-[Portals] Now the weak superpowered pastgangs come out at level 3,the superpowered tough ones at level 4 and the alien miniboss at level 5.
*Other changes*
-No more infinite sprint reward from Keith's quests.You get clothing discount instead.Made infinite sprint reward buyable from HUB.
-Doubled the traffic speed.Be more careful when you cross the street !
-Gas Stations now launch the vehicles like in Saints Row 2.
-Burn damage & duration from fire blast increased.
-When you have less than 33% of your health,you only take 10% of damage.
-Increased the hits threshold when homies turn on you from friendly fire.
-Removed vehicle angular damping.Vehicles now roll realistically.
-You now take less damage when you are hit by a vehicle or an object.
-Superpowers from Element of Destruction pack have a longer cooldown.
-Superpowered pastgangs and alien miniboss that come from portals take much longer to spawn.
01.22.2014 - Version 2.0.1
-No features;just a compatibility patch for the latest official game update.
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