How to change velocity that running sends things flying?

I think that I modded this long ago, and I can't remember how to change it. Or, it came with one of the increased superpower mods.

When I am running, cars/pedestrians literally just fly straight up to the sky, so fast that they're out of sight almost instantly.

How can I reduce this extreme velocity they are being sent at?
File: tweak_table.xtbl

Possible valid entries:
Player_super_sprint_vehicle_push_speed; Description: Multiplier of sprint speed to push a vehicle.
Sprint_ragdoll_impulse_mag; Description: Magnitude of the impulse applied when running into someone while sprinting.
Sprint_shove_extra_velocity_mag; Description: When sprint-shoving, this is the extra velocity applied to the shover.
Editor to make changes:
Notepad++ or
XTBL Editor (link- )

Hope this helps.