How about Saint's Row V to have Action Figures?

Just an Idea, I would love to have a 7 inch Gat action figure, well, all of the Saints to be honest. (Maybe NECA?)
Would be fun to put Gat beside with Duke Nukem.
(Pic if you don't know what is a Duke Nukem NECA action figure)

What you guys think? Is Saint's Row action figures viable?
A Gat Out Of Hell Action figure would be great
Saints nendoroids would be so funny to see.
Reference to people that don't know what a nendoroid is: [link].
Gat is son of Duke, Brother of Rambo, Father of Chuck Norris That is jesus cousin, jesus is son of God that is son of ahvahvhsasdoçakwsqd q1241