Extend one slider.

I know that there's like two mods that extend all sliders in the character creator but would it be possible to just have one that's extended for example just have the eyeball size be extended and nothing else would be extended, all the other sliders would act as normal, if it's possible then how would I do it?
The file you'll want to edit is player_creation.xtbl. Find the slider you want to edit (in this case; "eyeballs size"), then duplicate the Morph_Key (That is everything from "<Morph_Key>" to "</Morph_Key>") and paste it directly beneath what you just copied. You can do this multiple times.

                <Name>eyeballs size</Name>
                        <Name>eyeballs size +-</Name>
                        <Name>eyeballs size +-</Name>

Hope this helps!
p.s: I have a sliders mod of my own on the horizon which may be of interest to you!