Defiant Ducky's Armory (10/10/2022) Updated*
Saints Private Army Arsenal + Gang and Law Weapon Variety.
Gentlemen of the Row Spawn Info Ranks Modification
Side note: Testing has concluded no crashes or errors for me at least. (Should be save game compatible)
Alright guys, here is a personal mod of mine I have been tweaking with to make work. Noticed Saints row has a lack of weapon variety in game for each gang and police so did my interpretation of what I could do to make it so each gang uses and law enforcement use a variety of the new guns and existing guns added into the game. I am using GOTR
(10/10/2022) Updated* Swapped Tec9 and MAC10's around for brotherhood and ronin, ronin should use tec9 and gals as cutscenes suggest.
Files (2)
Spawn info ranks: changes the weapons for all factions in game.
gang customization: changes saint bodyguards style to just have masako soldiers
You don't need both files for the other one to work.
The Saints are a private army now:
Stage 1 uses: Glock, skr9 and pump action shotgun
Stage 2: Glock, SKR-9, Pump action shotgun, desert eagle, Spas12
Final stage: Desert eagle, spas12, m16, With a very small chance of the following: XS-2, Annihilator RPG, AR50 and AR200 (09/30/2022) Updated*
*All melee weapons are replaced with nightsticks
*All stages have a chance they come equipped with grenades and/or flash-bangs.
Stage 1: Glock, Tec9, Twelve gauge
Stage 2: Glock, Tec9, Twelve gauge, Mac-10, Pump action shotgun
Stage 3: Glock, Tec9, Mac-10, Twelve Gauge, Pump action shogtun, small chances of m16 and RPG (09/30/2022) Updated*
Stage 1: Magnum, Twelve gauge, SKR-9
Stage 2: Magnum, Twelve gauge, Mac-10, SKR-9, Spas12 (10/10/2022) Updated*
Stage 3: Magnum, Twelve gauge, Mac-10, SKR-9, Spas12, AK47, small chance of AR200 (10/10/2022) Updated*
Stage 1: Beretta, Tec9, Twelve Gauge (small chance of Gal43 with reinforcements)
Stage 2: Beretta, Gal43, Tec9 Twelve Gauge, AS14 (10/10/2022) Updated*
Stage 3: Beretta, Gal43, Tec9, Twelve Gauge, AS14, AK47, RPG (10/10/2022) Updated*
- no changes
- Commonly Use m16 and spas12 with a small chance of spawning with a sniper
Ultor security:
- Basic guards issued desert eagles and spas12
Ultor Masako:
Mostly use AR50, pump action shotgun and small chance of spawning with ar200
Saints Private Army Arsenal + Gang and Law Weapon Variety.
Gentlemen of the Row Spawn Info Ranks Modification
Side note: Testing has concluded no crashes or errors for me at least. (Should be save game compatible)
Alright guys, here is a personal mod of mine I have been tweaking with to make work. Noticed Saints row has a lack of weapon variety in game for each gang and police so did my interpretation of what I could do to make it so each gang uses and law enforcement use a variety of the new guns and existing guns added into the game. I am using GOTR
(10/10/2022) Updated* Swapped Tec9 and MAC10's around for brotherhood and ronin, ronin should use tec9 and gals as cutscenes suggest.
Files (2)
Spawn info ranks: changes the weapons for all factions in game.
gang customization: changes saint bodyguards style to just have masako soldiers
You don't need both files for the other one to work.
The Saints are a private army now:
Stage 1 uses: Glock, skr9 and pump action shotgun
Stage 2: Glock, SKR-9, Pump action shotgun, desert eagle, Spas12
Final stage: Desert eagle, spas12, m16, With a very small chance of the following: XS-2, Annihilator RPG, AR50 and AR200 (09/30/2022) Updated*
*All melee weapons are replaced with nightsticks
*All stages have a chance they come equipped with grenades and/or flash-bangs.
Stage 1: Glock, Tec9, Twelve gauge
Stage 2: Glock, Tec9, Twelve gauge, Mac-10, Pump action shotgun
Stage 3: Glock, Tec9, Mac-10, Twelve Gauge, Pump action shogtun, small chances of m16 and RPG (09/30/2022) Updated*
Stage 1: Magnum, Twelve gauge, SKR-9
Stage 2: Magnum, Twelve gauge, Mac-10, SKR-9, Spas12 (10/10/2022) Updated*
Stage 3: Magnum, Twelve gauge, Mac-10, SKR-9, Spas12, AK47, small chance of AR200 (10/10/2022) Updated*
Stage 1: Beretta, Tec9, Twelve Gauge (small chance of Gal43 with reinforcements)
Stage 2: Beretta, Gal43, Tec9 Twelve Gauge, AS14 (10/10/2022) Updated*
Stage 3: Beretta, Gal43, Tec9, Twelve Gauge, AS14, AK47, RPG (10/10/2022) Updated*
- no changes
- Commonly Use m16 and spas12 with a small chance of spawning with a sniper
Ultor security:
- Basic guards issued desert eagles and spas12
Ultor Masako:
Mostly use AR50, pump action shotgun and small chance of spawning with ar200
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