Crazed Saints Fans (Zombie Replacer)


Staff member
"The celebrity obsessed, media drugged masses." - Oleg Kirrlov

They come in hordes, masses of angry sweaty fans just waiting for you to slip up.
Nothing you do will be good enough, they will always find one thing to complain about.
"Go back to the roots" you hear from some, others groan "Can I have a secks mod pls"
Barricate your homes, stock up on rations, lock your doors and gatekeep the gatekeepers.

At the request of F13 I bring you obsessed fans in need of a restraining order.
If you haven't guessed it already this mod replaces the zombies with Saints fans which turns them into crazy Saints fans!

They still use zombie animations and behave like them, it just changes how they look.

This mod has been confirmed to work in the remaster, huge thanks to Rainzeros for testing it!

Works for cutscenes



Aswell as freeroam and the "Zombie Attack" mission

The mod comes in two variations:

Version 1 is "Standalone" which means it is compatible with the vanilla game.

Version 2 is compatible with Shitface's NPC Bevaviour mod which is also included in Fan of Saints' "Things To Do In Steelport - Family-Friendly Edition". So if you're using Shitface's or Fan of Saints' mod, use this version instead. Since I use this mod myself I figured I'd make a vanilla and compatible version.

To install it just move the character.xtbl from my mod into your Saints Row: The Third root folder, if you have Shitface's or Fan of Saints' mod installed, just overwrite the file when asked to.

To uninstall it simply delete the character.xtbl from your Saints Row: The Third root folder. Don't forget to put the original character.xtbl from Shitface's or Fan of Saints' mod back into the root folder if you use their mods.


The comptatible version is based on the file Shitface made for his NPC Behaviour mod which is the exact same file Fan of Saints uses in his "Things To Do In Steelport" mod. I only changed the zombie entries on that file, the rest is Shitface's work.

F13 for the mod idea.


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