Can't log in to community in SRTT

Not sure if I'm posting this to the right topic, but here we go...

So I came back to play SRTT (after a lot of time, actually) and I wanted to switch to one of my queued characters, but something went wrong.
Everytime I tried to login, it always said "incorrect username or password".
I tried everything, typing key by key, changing my password (a lot of times, actually, even to password that didn't contain special characters or numbers), and it still said I was entering an incorrect username or password...

I went to login in the website, and, weirdly, I couldn't access "My steelport" tab on the website or even add anything to my queue...

Can you guess help me out on this? I'd be glad! Thank you!
It's broken, it's been broken since THQ went the way of the Dodo and the needed services and servers went offline. There has also been quite a few threads about this all over this forum.