[bugs] assorted player_change_default_size problems

1.) In co-op calls to player_change_default_size will generate invalid hash error on the remote player's end. The effect works fine on the local player. This happens both when targeting the remote or local player.

* Start a co-op game.
* As the host, call player_change_default_size targeting LOCAL_PLAYER.
* Observe invalid hash error on remote player's machine.

2.) If player_change_default_size is used to go above scale 1, super speed is disabled.

3.) If player_change_default_size is used to go above scale 1, super jumping will cause a huge shockwave (regardless of the scale increase). Destruction doesn't match the visual range. Would be nice if this effect was just removed, as the recovery animation after landing makes the game annoying to play.

4.) If player_change_default_size is used to go above scale 1, running into people or vehicles kills them. This makes it very difficult to navigate the city, particularly with point 2.
1.) In co-op calls to player_change_default_size will generate invalid hash error on the remote player's end. The effect works fine on the local player. This happens both when targeting the remote or local player.
Thats normal.
Any SB+ Command makes that output to the remote player.
2.) If player_change_default_size is used to go above scale 1, super speed is disabled.
Super Speed isn't disabled, but it's slower than the normal walking.
Volition forgot to modify that.