Additional Cheats (Saints Row IV ports)

The fourth mod from my 'Saints Row IV ports' series. This time I've ported IdolNinja's Additional Cheats.

  • Make sure to install Erza Scarlet's Cheats + Phone + Store menu in Gat out of Hell first - otherwise you won't be able to use cheats at all.
  • Copy all files to your Saints Row: Gat out of Hell install folder. Replace the files if the OS asks you to.
    • TIP: Saints Row: Gat out of Hell install folder will be wherever you installed Steam: ..\Steam\SteamApps\common\Saints Row Gat out of Hell
  • Done! Now everything should work properly.
  • ADD NOTORIETY - heysatan
  • ALL UPGRADES - unlockitall
  • ASCII MODE - ascii
  • CLEAR NOTORIETY - goodygoody
  • FAST FORWARD - fastforward
  • FULL HEALTH - idontfeelwell
  • GIVE CASH ($100,000) - cheese
  • GIVE XP - experience
  • GOD MODE - thankyougod
  • GOLDEN GUN - goldengun
  • HEAVEN BOUND - fryhole
  • INFINITE AMMO - unlimitedammo
  • INFINITE SPRINT - runfast
  • INSTANT ARCH DUKE - instantarchduke
  • ITTY BITTY - ittybitty
  • LOW GRAVITY - gravitykills
  • MILK BONES - superbeermuscles
  • NEVER DIE - neverdie
  • NO ARCH DUKES - noarchdukes
  • NO HUD - hidehud
  • PLAYER PRATFALLS - ragdoll
  • SLOW MOTION - slowmo
  • SUPER EXPLOSIONS - bigbadaboom
  • UNLIMITED CLIP - unlimitedclip
  • 100%% SUPER POWERS - superduper
  • ALL SUPER UPGRADES - sosuper
  • DISABLE SUPER MOVEMENT - nosupermove
  • DISABLE SUPER POWERS - nosuperpowers
  • UNLOCK BLAST - superblast
  • UNLOCK SUMMONS - supersummons
  • UNLOCK STOMP - superstomp
  • UNLOCK BUFF - superbuff
  • CAR MASS HOLE - infinitemass
  • GIVE COMET AVERAGE - givecometaverage
  • GIVE COMET FULLY CUSTOMIZABLE - givecometfullycustomizable
  • GIVE COMET MASCOT - givecometmascot
  • GIVE COMET ROUGH - givecometrough
  • GIVE COMET ULTIMATE - givecometultimate
  • GIVE CORRODA 0 - givecorrodazero
  • GIVE CORRODA AVERAGE - givecorrodaaverage
  • GIVE CORRODA FULLY CUSTOMIZABLE - givecorrodafullycustomizable
  • GIVE CORRODA SOS - givecorrodasos
  • GIVE CORRODA ULTIMATE - givecorrodaultimate
  • GIVE EMU AVERAGE - giveemuaverage
  • GIVE HELLBAT AVERAGE - givehellbataverage
  • GIVE HELLBAT FULLY CUSTOMIZABLE - givehellbatfullycustomizable
  • GIVE HELLBAT SAINTS - givehellbatsaints
  • GIVE HELLBAT TOPLESS - givehellbattopless
  • GIVE HELLBAT ULTIMATE - givehellbatultimate
  • GIVE TAXI AVERAGE - givetaxiaverage
  • GIVE TAXI BW - givetaxibw
  • GIVE TAXI DECKER - givetaxidecker
  • GIVE TAXI FULLY CUSTOMIZABLE - givetaxifullycustomizable
  • GIVE TAXI TNA - givetaxitna
  • GIVE CHALLENGER AVERAGE - givechallengeraverage
  • GIVE CHALLENGER BIGWHEELS - givechallengerbigwheels
  • GIVE GAT MOBILE AVERAGE - givegatmobileaverage
  • GIVE GAT MOBILE FULLY CUSTOMIZABLE - givegatmobilefullycustomizable
  • GIVE LEVIATHAN AVERAGE - giveleviathanaverage
  • GIVE LEVIATHAN CYRUS - giveleviathancyrus
  • GIVE MACHIAVELLI DEFAULT - givemachiavellidefault
  • GIVE RAMBULANCE AVERAGE - giverambulanceaverage
  • GIVE RAMBULANCE FULLY CUSTOMIZABLE - giverambulancefullycustomizable
  • GIVE SOUL IN ONE AVERAGE - givesoulinoneaverage
  • GIVE SOUL IN ONE CROWD CONTROL - givesoulinonecrowdcontrol
  • GIVE SOUL IN ONE DECKER - givesoulinonedecker
  • GIVE SOUL IN ONE MORNINGSTAR - givesoulinonemorningstar
  • GIVE SOUL IN ONE NATIONAL GUARD - givesoulinonenationalguard
  • GIVE SOUL IN ONE SWAT - givesoulinoneswat
  • GIVE SOUL IN ONE ULTIMATE - givesoulinoneultimate
  • GIVE COMPENSATOR AVERAGE - givecompensatoraverage
  • GIVE COMPENSATOR BH - givecompensatorbh
  • GIVE COMPENSATOR FULLY CUSTOMIZABLE - givecompensatorfullycustomizable
  • GIVE COMPENSATOR LUCHADORE - givecompensatorluchadore
  • GIVE COMPENSATOR ROUGH - givecompensatorrough
  • GIVE COMPENSATOR VICEKING - givecompensatorviceking
  • GIVE MINOTAUR ALIEN - giveminotauralien
  • GIVE MINOTAUR AVERAGE - giveminotauraverage
  • GIVE MINOTAUR FULLY CUSTOMIZABLE - giveminotaurfullycustomizable
  • GIVE PREDACEPTOR AVERAGE - givepredaceptoraverage
  • GIVE PREDACEPTOR FULLY CUSTOMIZABLE - givepredaceptorfullycustomizable
  • GIVE PREDACEPTOR MAERO - givepredaceptormaero
  • GIVE GOAT AVERAGE - givegoataverage
  • GIVE GOAT CHOPSHOP - givegoatchopshop
  • GIVE GOAT FULLY CUSTOMIZABLE - givegoatfullycustomizable
  • GIVE GOAT POLICE - givegoatpolice
  • GIVE GOAT ROUGH - givegoatrough
  • GIVE GOAT ULTIMATE - givegoatultimate
  • GIVE HEAVEN GOAT ROUGH - giveheavengoatrough
  • GIVE THOMPSON AVERAGE - givethompsonaverage
  • GIVE THOMPSON ROUGH - givethompsonrough
  • GIVE THOMPSON ULTIMATE - givethompsonultimate
  • REPAIR CAR - repaircar
  • VEHICLE SMASH - isquishyou
  • GIVE GOD'S HAMMER - givegodshammer
  • GIVE SPIKED PADDLE - givespikedpaddle
  • GIVE URIEL'S EDGE - giveurielsedge
  • GIVE GALLOWS DODGER - givegallowsdodger
  • GIVE HAND CROSSBOW - givehandcrossbow
  • GIVE HEAVY PISTOL - giveheavypistol
  • GIVE BRIMSTONE BELCHER - givebrimstonebelcher
  • GIVE DIAMOND STING - givediamondsting
  • GIVE ORGANIC SMG - giveorganicsmg
  • GIVE DAMNED IMPALER - givedamnedimpaler
  • GIVE LUST GUN - givelustgun
  • GIVE SEMI-AUTO SHOTGUN - givesemiautoshotgun
  • GIVE AUTOMATIC RIFLE - giveautomaticrifle
  • GIVE LAVA CANNON - givelavacannon
  • GIVE SLOTH GUN - giveslothgun
  • GIVE LIL' CROAKER - givelilcroaker
  • GIVE RPG - giverpg
  • GIVE WRATH GUN - givewrathgun
  • GIVE GLUTTONY GUN - givegluttonygun
  • GIVE SNIPER RIFLE - givesniperrifle
  • WEAPONS - letsrock
  • CLEAR SKIES - clearskies
  • PIXEL RAIN - pixelrain
  • BLOODY MESS - notrated
  • EVERYBODY MUST GET SHRUNK - bushwickbill
  • EVIL CARS - evilcars
  • INSANE CITY - insanecity
  • English,
  • Polish,
  • German (supported by Singa),
  • French (supported by rastaman289).
If you would like to translate this mod to any other language/s, write me a PM. :)

--> NOTES <--
use this mod with Rastaman289 & Fan of Saints' Expanded Arsenal Mod - 666 Edition - it's already included in it!

--> CREDITS <--
Updated on the 4th June 2015.


  • Fan of Saints' Additional Cheats V1.2 (Saints Row IV ports).rar
    112.6 KB · Views: 5,397
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The awkward thing about these "Fully Customizable" variants is that they actually all have <Fully_Customizable>0</Fully_Customizable> set in the vehicle xtbl (that's crunched to become the CVTF).

Edit: so they're not really fully customizable.
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The awkward thing about these "Fully Customizable" variants is that they actually all have <Fully_Customizable>0</Fully_Customizable> set in the vehicle xtbl (that's crunched to become the CVTF).

Edit: so they're not really fully customizable.
There's no way to access Rim Jobs anyway so I'm wondering what's the point.
I think Rim Jobs actually falls over because it can't swap in a (really) Fully Customizable variant of the vehicle.
Launching Rim Jobs on SRIV using hud_push_screen() does the same thing so opening rim jobs may require more code to open properly.

Found these list of issues with the garage in the store_vehicle.lua
-- Rim style grid only responds to first mouse move before stopping
-- Rim size toggle doesn't respond to mouse
-- Canceling COLOR GRID purchase also doubles the header text (not PC specific)
-- First tire tread disappears after mousing off first time
-- Wheel width and size don't slide quite correctly (approx. double the actual mouse movement)
-- Lots of stuff with Garage probably doesn't work
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Thanks for this mod, Fan of Saints. its nice driving around in a topless Hellbat. Has anyone tried the Thompson, you don`t sit in the seat, instead your standing up through the cockpit and the rotors moving through you, nasty, if it were real. :rolleyes:
Anyway to enable unlock all cheats at once? trying to make a quick "give out my mods" zip where other coop buddies can access them instantly and not be like "where da cheats at?"