10,000+ Members and Counting

I would like to congratulate Minimaul for creating this forum for Saints Row fans and his deputy IdolNinja well done we now have 10,000+ members and I would like to thank you all modders and tool creators for all their hard work this forum would not have been successful without all of you.

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Honorable Mentions:
Volition for creating the series.
THQ for publishing the series.
Steam for being our trusted game client.
Gabe Newell for the Steam Summer Sale 2012 and putting Saints Row The Third franchise on 75% alot.
All the Saints Row fans we love you.
No, it's a lot less than that. There are 102 currently banned users. Most of those are banned for piracy, the rest are banned mostly because they massively overreacted to simple warnings via PM and sent a torrent of abuse back at either me or idol.