#ГангстаСНашегоДвора - Russian Translation


Unofficial Russian Translation - 100% Complete - Sinners (and Testers) Are Welcome


This is an unofficial Russian translation of Saints Row (2006). All subtitles, interface text, in-game manual, etc. have been translated with the style and tone of the game kept in mind.

The mod utilizes modified font files (.vf3_xbox2 + .peg_xbox2 combo) to replace (mostly) unused Latin-1 Supplementary symbols with Cyrillic letters. It also uses modified US_Strings.txt with cp1251 strings encoded as cp1252 (in order to remap the text onto Latin-1 replacements). Also similar changes were made to Hitman .xtbl files to translate target names.

The mod affects packages misc2 and pegfiles, so while it is compatible with .xtbl/.xex mods like Stilwater+, it may conflict with some mods that affect those packages as well.

The translation is 100% complete but there might be few typos in some places. Any help with finding them would be appreciated.

- All subtitles, interface text, in-game manual translated (except for color names at Rim Jobs);
- Thin and giant fonts (+ outlines) and digital font have been modified to support Cyrillic symbols;
- The gang names shown in titlecards have been edited as well to match the style;
- Tested on Xenia Canary v2023.02.20;
- (BONUS) All "(spanish)" subtitles from Los Carnales cutscenes have been replaced by the approximate translations of Spanish speech.


- v0.3 - Numerous fixes in activity text files, translation fixes in mission subtitles
- v0.2 - Fixed several typos in mission subtitles
- v0.1 - Initial release


- Add additional subtitles in certain cutscenes
- (Probably) do some work with optimizing subtitle timings
- Remap font files and/or bypass 256 char limit to add support for other Cyrillic-based languages (i.e. Ukrainian, Belarusian)

How To Install​

Unpack the archive and replace the corresponded files in misc2 and pegfiles package folders.


The translation of SR1 text has been performed solely by me in OmegaT. The repository with OmegaT project and several tools for text processing (in Russian) is provided here.
The modifications of font files were made with the modified ThomasJepp.SaintsRow toolset.


Xenia Canary Screenshot 2022.11.14 -
Xenia Canary Screenshot 2023.02.05 -
Xenia Canary Screenshot 2023.02.20 -



  • Xenia Canary Screenshot 2023.02.07 -
    Xenia Canary Screenshot 2023.02.07 -
    6.3 MB · Views: 1,190
  • saints-row-rus-v03.7z
    704.1 KB · Views: 47
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Мог бы отправиться в прошлое, сделал как-нибудь, что я бы я отвечал за перевод второй( да и третьей) части, а не какие-то восьмиклассники