
  1. MadeOfPuddin

    Gruesome Gat

    Replaces Zombie Gat's body with Dead Gat's body from Saints Row IV, while keeping the zombie head INSTALLATION If you already have character_containers.asm_pc just drop saints_male_zomgat.str2_pc and saints_male_zomgat_high.str2_pc into your root folder and run the ASM Updater Otherwise drop...
  2. 3rdStreetSaint 212

    Activities & Missions Saints For Hire

    I love roaming Steelport with all my favorite Homies, I love it even more when someone calls me up for an impromptu Survival. But two things suck about these. A: Cooldown timers After dismissing a Homie, I can't call them up for what feels like way too long. After completing a Survival, they...
  3. 3rdStreetSaint 212

    Homies & NPCs The Classics Are Back

    Not really bothered about any of my previous mod suggestions anymore. So I've came up with a short list of sub-mods (that are hopefully simple enough to make), that "should" keep me happy enough to stop posting similar mod suggestions to no avail. I know this mod might seem pointless to...