
  1. LeMecha

    Why Volition will never do a SR-SR2 Remake

    Sorry, maybe this title sounds ominous or something. To tell the truth I would definitely buy a SR2 Remaster/Remake anytime but I also understand in my guts why Volition never planned any of it so far. From a creative standpoint, working back on a past project isn't as easy than most may...
  2. F

    Closer Plastic Surgeon Camera – Gat out of Hell

    NOTE: Minimaul's SRIV clothing mod, and Erza Scarlet's store menu mod required! This mod makes the plastic surgery camera closer to your face, for editing your characters face, hair, and makeup. SR:TT Version included here SRIV version INSTALL: Place Player_cust_cameras_new.xtbl in your roots...
  3. F

    SRIV Closer Plastic Surgeon Camera

    This mod makes the plastic surgery camera zoom in closer to your face, so you get a better view when editing your character's face, hair, and makeup. SR:TT Version included here Gat out of Hell Version INSTALL: Place Player_cust_cameras_new.xtbl in your SRIV roots folder...