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  1. TonyTitan

    Blackness at start of "The girl who hates the 50's"

    I'm just wondering if anyone has ever experienced this blackness issue. It happens only during the "Girl who Hates the 50's" mission....At the very beginning of it when you go to find Keith David at his rally, and then the subsequent area just after the Zin attack you in that office and Zinyak...
  2. TonyTitan

    I can't 'romance' Shaundi

    This isn't that big of a deal to me but it's annoying....For some reason I can no longer 'romance' Shaundi. I get the option to but when I click to do so, nothing happens. All other crew mates work's just her. I haven't made any changes to her (with mods)...I haven't changed...
  3. TonyTitan

    Embarrassing question

    How do you eat your food, or drink, or smoke in the game? I know to press "Q" brings up my weapons selection HUD. Or I can just use my Mouse wheel and scroll through them. When I press "Q", I can see the smaller food/drink/drug palette, but I can't figure out how to use any of those items...
  4. TonyTitan

    Issue with Merging mods...

    I think I have done everything correct. I think. But for the life of me I cannot get Mikado's Nude mod for SR4 and GPZ's Extended Wardrobe mod to merge. Whenever I try, one or the other mods don't appear in game. I'm using WinMerge and opening the 2 Customization_Items.xtbl files. The one...
  5. TonyTitan

    Toggle MinMap diameter size

    I find myself using the minmap, A LOT. Currently the minmap is approx. 2 inches in diameter. I'd like to have the ability to make it bigger. Maybe 2x that size...but....and here is the kicker I'd imagine....have it show more area of the map. Would it be possible to make such a thing and...
  6. TonyTitan

    Does 'The Boss' have respect?

    It just does not seem like it. Loyalty, yeah, no question. But respect? I'd have to say NO. Pierce sends them out to do all the side quests even though Kinzie asked him to do them. Shaundi talks more of Johnny...The Christmas DLC eludes to it, plus when Johnny is crashing in the helicopter...
  7. TonyTitan

    Randomize collectible locations

    Would it be possible to do such a thing? Not so much the data clusters. There is so many of them that randomizing where they are won't really matter. But how about the audio logs, Zinyak statues, the text fragments. Can they pop up in different areas of the map for new characters/games...
  8. TonyTitan

    Crashing at startup of Saints Save Christmas

    I don't really know what else to say, I start my Saints Row 4 game, pop up displays that I own the "Saints Save Christmas" DLC, I click on the quest in my journal, return to the Ship (Or simply go to the map marker in the ship since I am already on it) screen fades to black and then crash...
  9. TonyTitan

    Open Co-Op missions to Single play w/an NPC

    Would it even be possible to do something like that? I have satellite internet. And because of that, any co-op or MP type games cannot be played. So would it be possible to open the Co-Op missions that are there in just the normal campaign side of things, modded so that you could play them...