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  1. Dropoff

    Shrek Player Model

    Fully custom shrek player model mod. It doesn't have its own shadow, but it could be fixed in the future and also i recommend turning Fatness slider to max. That way, your hands don't clip into the body. Was only tested on vanilla game, so it could break other mods. WARNING! Currently, if you...
  2. Dropoff

    Saints Row 2 Models Export Tool (cmesh, smesh, car)

    Its not easy to write exporter into format, bruh. Plus this format is not easiest one, took me quite a while to figure it out.
  3. Dropoff

    Saints Row 2 Models Export Tool (cmesh, smesh, car)

    Here is tool i wrote to export sr2 models to obj. Works with cmesh, smesh and car formats. To use it just drag and drop cmesh_pc, smesh_pc or car_pc file on exe and it would give you obj in same folder. Update: Added tool version which splits meshes into submeshes, useful for car tuning parts.