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  1. D

    Some issues I noticed.

    Have you tried running in Borderless Windowed for FPS issues?
  2. D

    CPU Bottleneck!

    Now, the game has CPU bottlenecking too. I don't think this is so powerful a game. Why does it bottleneck?
  3. D

    game crashes when opened

    Try disabling FPS counter
  4. D


    Problem with game right?
  5. D


    Hey! I preordered AoM and the gameplay is good. However, there are many stutters. Any help will be appreciated. My Rig: Gigabyte Xtreme Gaming GTX 970 4GB i5-4440 3.1GHz 16 GB RAM Windows 7 Ultimate x64
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    Shitface & Fan of Saints' Expanded Arsenal Mod

    Awesome work! Could you add compatibility with Giant Mech mod?
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    Help regarding replacing textures

    Yeah. I mean to use Super Shaundi suit with main player.
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    Help regarding replacing textures

    Hey! I saw a guy replace super kinzie suit textures in place of sim suit textures. Can anyone help me out with the same for SUPER SHAUNDI? EDIT: Sorry, I posted in the wrong area. New to the forum. But kindly help me out.
  9. D

    Skinballs Outfit! for SR4

    Could you fix the weird finger overlaps?
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    Skinballs Outfit! for SR4

    This isn't fair. Why should we GOG users suffer? EDIT: Just noticed Steam Summer Sale. Will get all games off Steam also.