How to make my own ctvf files?

I want to add a couple of new component options to vehicles here but I have no idea on how to do it.
I only know how to mod SR1 and SR2, I've got no clue on how to do stuff like my extended customizations mod for SR2 on SR4.
Can anybody help me out or point me to a tutorial, please?
Allright, at least I got some progress, some blessed soul by the name of Haganu posted a decently sized list of all the .xtbl and _cust.xtbl from SR4, which I needed but not all the vehicles are here, I still need to find the .xtbl and _cust.xtbl from most of the other vehicles, DLC and otherwise.
after that all I need is find out how to crunch those files into a cvtf_pc file for SR4, and then I can get to modding.
I'm planning on maybe remastering a few of my extended customizations from SR1 and 2 since 4 is the one game between Third and GooH to have the most vehicles, new and returning.