Character gallery

Hello there, so I bought SR IV on sale along its DLCs, I'm specially interested on the anime pack but as far as I know I can't use due to the fact that they shut down the character sharing back on 2018; so while being 2019 can't I do something about it? Maybe somehow install it manually?
Exactly what Admixon said, you get a default version of DLC outfits in your wardrobe and they're available for purchase in stores which allows you to change colors.
If you already have anime pack you don't need character sharing. Anime pack as far as I know contains clothing, weapon skins and hair so just go to the stores and buy them.

Exactly what Admixon said, you get a default version of DLC outfits in your wardrobe and they're available for purchase in stores which allows you to change colors.

You were right, while I'd have preferred not to have to look for and edit each part I'm very glad unnusable DLC wasn't the case; I just spent too much time doing side-missions before getting to see a glimpse of the DLCs I bought.