Stream2Update don't work

On the subject of this, how can I tell it which file to update, my steam folder is in usual place (default steam directory)
The program decides which files need to be updated. If it cannot auto-detect the folder, use a command line like > ThomasJepp.SaintsRow.Stream2Update.exe "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Saints Row IV"
But he doesnt found the directory...
It says: Nothng to Update! :(
I think he wants you to link your Steam account to the forum. In the upper right corner of the page, open the menu with your name. Near the bottom is "Steam Integration".

It might be that no files need to be updated. What makes you think they should be?
I integrated the Account :D

Thanks. Please copy paste the contents of your batch file so we can see what you are actually running.
@echo off
cd /d "X:\Eigene Dateien\Mods & Tools\Saints Row 4\Tools\ThomasJepp.SaintsRow-rev22"
start ThomasJepp.SaintsRow.Stream2Update.exe "X:\Eigene Dateien\SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\Saints Row IV"
Thanks. Please copy paste the contents of your batch file so we can see what you are actually running.
Looks okay to me. I don't use "start" to open it as a new process, but I can't imagine why that would cause an issue. What exactly is happening when you run it? Are you getting an error message? If so, please post the entire message.
Message(From ThomasJepp.SaintsRow.Stream2Update.exe):
No str2_pc files found - no update needed.

Then it sounds like it is working as designed and there are no files to update.
If the mods you have installed do NOT contain any .STR2_PC files, then there is NO reason for the Stream2Update program to update anything.

If you DO have .STR2_PC files in your SRIV Folder, please attach a screenshot of your SRIV folder for further troubleshooting.
Also, some mods are just plain fucking broken with the latest official patch. No matter how you update there will be problems until the author fixes them.