Game crashes on coop ?

Whenever I try to play co op, either online or LAN, my partner´s game crashes when joining his game.

I read that this was an issue in the earlier years of the game. Was this ever fixed or its because of the extra content from my game? (mods)
Whenever I try to play co op, either online or LAN, my partner´s game crashes when joining his game.

I read that this was an issue in the earlier years of the game. Was this ever fixed or its because of the extra content from my game? (mods)
Maybe try without mods?
Some guy posted few days ago that he compare original exe and with workshop patch and new version instantly disconnect, so this is 50\50. I only can say that the updated game is more unstable, got crash every time when running Dominatrix in coop.
There are a lot of complaints about this on the Steam forums:

IdolNinja replied with Volition's rationale behind that decision, and I replied with my point of view.

Honestly, it really bothers me when companies force updates on you that break things, and then provide no way to go back. In many cases, they are updates you didn't even want in the first place, but you are forced to take them anyway. Their assumption is that the user is dumb, and they wouldn't know how to deal with 2 incompatible versions of something. That feels pretty insulting to me.

I'm not placing the blame only on Volition, but Microsoft does exactly the same thing with Windows 10, which is why I absolutely HATE Windows 10. If I have a piece of software that works fine for me, I don't want it to change out from under me. In many cases, I value stability over new features. At least give me the OPTION of stability.
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Spoke with our Digital team today. We'll be offering the pre-Workshop build as an opt-in beta on Steam for players having these issues. Don't have an ETA yet, but it's a much simpler process than what we normally go through so shouldn't take very long to get setup:
I think that's a nice gesture of good will from Volition which will probably alleviate a lot of frustration from players who felt unheard in the past. I know the workshop update is awesome, and Knobby worked very, very hard on it. He did a great job, but the effort required to update all the other games (Linux, GOOH) to be compatible would have been just too much (especially with limited resources). There really wasn't a way to satisfy everyone with the workshop update, so now people have the option. It's always better to have options. Thank you, IdolNinja, for working with users to make this happen. :)

I will do whatever I can to help out answering any questions people have. I'll update my information about save file formats too.
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