Crash on continuing campaign from menu

So I just recently came back to this game after seeing that the my steelport where all the characters are stored online was going to be shut down (bummer). Having realized it had been awhile since I played the game I reinstalled it from steam and loaded up only to find that everytime I choose to continue from the main menu the game crashes almost immediately.

At first I thought I might have saved on the ship which would cause issues with the crib mod on the workshop so I unsubbed from that thinking that might be the issue. Nope.

Ok what's next? Verify game cache, all good, still crash.

Wipe all game files and reinstall completely, and you guessed it, still crash.

I'm stuck here guys any ideas?
It's most likely a mod you have installed that is not compatible with the latest patch. Are there any loose mods in the root of your SR4 folder where the exe lives? Try deleting all the files there (but leave the subfolders) and verifying integrity and see if that helps.
No loose mods. Only use workshop items. Figured the only thing left was corrupt save. So started new game and came up no issues at least for now. Will update if any issues come up.