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    • Uzis
      Uzis replied to the thread Saints Row 2 Juiced Patch.
      7.2.1 out now
    • Uzis
      Uzis reacted to reina3's post in the thread Saints Row 2 Juiced Patch with Love Love.
      The loose files system for mods is truly the best update for the game. Thank you very much, Scanti!
    • Uzis
      Uzis replied to the thread Saints Row 2 Juiced Patch.
      7.1.0 out now featuring SR1 QOL changes and Loose File rewrite/load order
    • Uzis
      Uzis replied to the thread Saints Row 2 Juiced Patch.
      Juiced Patch 7.0.0 out now! changelog is in the / google drive links
    • Uzis
      Uzis replied to the thread Saints Row 2 Juiced Patch.
      Pushed out a hotfix as version 6.0.1 addresses an issue with trying to use the F7 warp to waypoint hotkey and LUA Executor Console...
    • Uzis
      Uzis replied to the thread Saints Row 2 Juiced Patch.
      Juiced Patch 6.0.0 has now been released! Adds alot of fixes, LUA Executor Console, Loose VPP File loading and more! Detailed...
    • Uzis
      Uzis replied to the thread Saints Row 2 Juiced Patch.
      That makes this issue even more muddy if SleepHack isn't the cause for it 😅😭 but yeah fortunately it isn't a common occurance for this...
    • Uzis
      Uzis reacted to -SeaboundSaint-'s post in the thread Saints Row 2 Juiced Patch with Like Like.
      That's understandable. It doesn't happen every time. I'm not using SleepHack. I'm also not using any extended render distance options...
    • Uzis
      Uzis replied to the thread Saints Row 2 Juiced Patch.
      We're aware of this issue. Not sure what exactly causes it but we're thinking its due to either SleepHack or LAA patching. It needs more...
    • Uzis
      Uzis reacted to -SeaboundSaint-'s post in the thread Saints Row 2 Juiced Patch with Like Like.
      I remember seeing this issue mentioned briefly in the old thread too. Speaking of the old thread, It's nice to have you here on SRM...
    • Uzis
      Uzis replied to the thread Saints Row 2 Juiced Patch.
      like clippy said, first time hearing of this, but most high fps/frametime issues can be resolved by capping your framerate to 60 fps or...
    • Uzis
      Hi, hello and welcome! This is the new official thread for SR2 Juiced Patch. Latest Juiced Patch version is Version 7.2.1. What is...
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