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  1. Sophia_Orr

    Mute on Focus Loss.

    Alright so I was wondering if there is a way to disable this at all. It's mainly getting slightly annoying at times.
  2. Sophia_Orr

    Super Mech Mod

    Man LeGeNtUs you are bring out a quite the fun mods. (Good for those who beat the game) Keep them coming loving them all so far.
  3. Sophia_Orr

    SPOILERS favorite mission/scene/thing? (beat the game first before posting here!)

    I would love to see DLC that just gives you a bunch of Rage of Saints (Saints of rage ect) that would just be wonderful and fun as hell. Anyone else think a DLC that gives you a few Rage of Saints missions epic? (I just LOVED that freaking part...Loved it so much)
  4. Sophia_Orr

    Bonus and reworked unlockables

    Ya that bugs me a bit. if the shark is there it has to be a fact that the Zin toke it meaning they might of Zimos
  5. Sophia_Orr

    Unlimited Super Powers Mod

    Well first Both LeGeNtUs And Alo...Al...Alol...Whatever his name was that i forget have to both allow it (Which i'm sure they will) And would just have to merge the file i think? I'm not a modder like i said. i'm Gamer! Edit: Forgot to add that other guy...that i forget the name of
  6. Sophia_Orr

    Play as Giant Zinyak Mech

    Are you able to make the mech bigger :rolleyes:
  7. Sophia_Orr

    No cooldown on Weapons

    While i do have Cheatengine i fear some thins when using it as it broke one of my saves before
  8. Sophia_Orr

    No cooldown on Weapons

    Now i don't mean on Hand weapons. I mean VLOT, Screaming Eagle, Ect Like all those. I once used a trainer for Saints row the third that let me do that and my jaw dropped to the floor as i fired millions of missles into Zombie island. Now that the only Trainer out is cheat happens (Not willing to...
  9. Sophia_Orr

    Bonus and reworked unlockables

    Ah. Because i really do love the little talks they have my favorite was the one With DJ and Mearo. Again thanks for working on this mod and infact all mods Idolninja. :)
  10. Sophia_Orr

    Show all cheats in menu without having to enter the codes

    Unlockitall pretty much is what it says. Unlock everything. Homies, Cars, ect
  11. Sophia_Orr

    Bonus and reworked unlockables

    Oh. Well this brings a question to mind...Does the cut homies have audio for talking to the other homies? Are you able to check that?
  12. Sophia_Orr

    Be Zinyak Mod

    Hmm Guess that's true i did beat the game first THEN get mods.
  13. Sophia_Orr

    Re-add cruise control

    I did quite enjoy autodrive if only because i don't got a controller to go a speed i want. so when i want to roleplay i can't slow down and try to drive slowly :I
  14. Sophia_Orr

    Show all cheats in menu without having to enter the codes

    Didn't the add all chest only work for Saints row 2?
  15. Sophia_Orr

    DFA Nuke at any height

    Well then how about a DFA nuke that is what it should be...a Nuke stronger and a bigger area?
  16. Sophia_Orr

    Bonus and reworked unlockables

    I do hope you are able to find that STAG Transport. I really liked the Condor (I think that's what it was.) And wait...Genki?! Genki is a cut homie?! I didn't see anything on the wiki about this how did you find out?
  17. Sophia_Orr

    Be Zinyak Mod

    Pssst. Spoilers Venom try to keep those on the down low. Not everyone knows that You know who. Is back and they would pefer no spoilers (I'm guessing.)
  18. Sophia_Orr

    Bonus and reworked unlockables

    Can i hug you for this?
  19. Sophia_Orr

    Saints Row IV Apocalypticish Armor was it removed?

    Well quite a few people said they looked in every store and didn't find it. But with the Theme Nobody loves me it would and should be there but i never saw it.
  20. Sophia_Orr

    SPOILERS CID speculation

    Psst Vipes i think some of that might count as spoilers...I dunno might