Rare Vehicle Cheats (includes Additional Cheats) v5

Updated to v4 with 10 new requested cheats (See OP for download) :

givelorenjet - Give Loren's Giant Plane from I'm Free Free Falling mission (warning will blow up when you take it out)
givestagjet - Give STAG Giant Plane from Air Steelport mission (warning will blow up when you take it out)
givenforcerng - Give NForcer NG variant
givenforcerstagriot - Give NForcer Stag_Riot variant
givehammerhead - Give Hammerhead
givescrubber - Give Scrubber
givescrubberzombie - Give Scrubber Zombie variant
giveblade - Give Blade
givex2 - Give X-2 Phantom
givewraith - Give Wraith

Here's a pic of the Scrubber zombie variant:

WOW! Great !:D But no news vans …… I want to know there are how many variants of news vans in the game, 9 (Channel 1-9 ) or only 3 ?
WOW! Great !:D But no news vans …… I want to know there are how many variants of news vans in the game, 9 (Channel 1-9 ) or only 3 ?

The news vans are already in the mod including the Escort ones:
giveanchorescort1 - Give Anchor Tiger Escort variant Escort1 Steelport Zoo
giveanchorescort2 - Give Anchor Tiger Escort variant Escort2 SAPS Steelport Animal Protection Services
giveanchorescort3 - Give Anchor Tiger Escort variant Escort3 CLAW City League of Animal Welfare
Give Anchor - giveanchor

There are only 3 numbered news vans (not 1-9)
The news vans are already in the mod including the Escort ones:
giveanchorescort1 - Give Anchor Tiger Escort variant Escort1 Steelport Zoo
giveanchorescort2 - Give Anchor Tiger Escort variant Escort2 SAPS Steelport Animal Protection Services
giveanchorescort3 - Give Anchor Tiger Escort variant Escort3 CLAW City League of Animal Welfare
Give Anchor - giveanchor

There are only 3 numbered news vans (not 1-9)
I tried "giveanchor" and it seems only give me number 9 , no 5 or 6 . But I found that there is still a method to get them in vanilla game include zoo variants.